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Requesting Accommodations

You (the student) drive the process of requesting accommodations for a disability.

Accommodations will be provided when you identify yourself as a student with a disability. To ensure that accommodations provide effective access requires a deliberative and interactive process that is responsive to the unique experience of each individual. The DSS counselor engages in a structured interview with the student to explore previous educational experiences, past use of accommodations and what has been effective in providing access. However, if the student is unable to clearly describe how the disability is connected to a educational barrier and how the accommodation would provide access, the institution may need to request third-party documentation focused on making a connection.

Reasonable accommodations depend upon the nature and degree of severity of the documented disability. While the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 requires that priority consideration be given to the specific methods requested by the student, it does not imply that a particular accommodation must be granted if it is deemed not reasonable and other suitable techniques are available.

Intake and Academic Accommodation Process - Credit Students

  1. Schedule an intake interview with a Disability Support Services (DSS) Counselor in a timely manner (DSS contacts)
  2. Evaluate individual's request through interview with student
  3. Provide appropriate disability documentation when needed
  4. DSS Counselor reviews documentation provided for history of accommodation use
  5. DSS counselor and student together determine reasonable accommodations
  6. Notification of Academic Accommodation letters emailed to faculty and student
  7. Student and Faculty discuss Academic Accommodations during first week of class

Intake and Academic Accommodation Process - Non-Credit Students
  1. Schedule an intake interview with a Disability Support Services (DSS) Counselor in a timely manner (DSS contacts)
  2. Evaluate individual's request through interview with student
  3. Provide appropriate disability documentation when needed
  4. DSS Counselor reviews documentation provided for history of accommodation use
  5. DSS counselor and student together determine reasonable accommodations
  6. Notification of Academic Accommodation letters emailed to faculty and student when applicable
  7. Student will receive copy of accommodation letter to provide to non-credit faculty and staff
  8. Student and Faculty discuss Academic Accommodations during first week of class

The identification and disclosure of any disability is considered confidential. The information is released to other OPE电子竞技官网 employees, on a need to know basis, with a "Consent Form/Release of Information" signed by the student. There are limits to the confidentiality of student records as outlined in the College's "Procedures under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act" document. (Procedures Memorandum Index V-1)

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